lauantai 28. maaliskuuta 2015

Hoppy easter everyone

"Get ready for a hunt.. Tehehee!"
-Hey! Hey u psst! *you hear a noice from a bush nearby the road ur walking*
-Yes u! Come here! Said the voice. *You decided to take a little closer look*
 But when u step closer, a colorful creature hops and runs off the place, leaving nothing but dust cloud behind. You peek at the bush again, and saw a colorfull easter egg.

-Aah! I see u found an easter egg. That was my friend Larry. Idk why is he acting like that huh. Just... Leads u somewhere and runs off like a scared mammal. Hahhah! He actually left a hint for ya. Just bite the egg, and check what's inside. Metallica said. *you took a bite from the creamy choco egg, and found a note inside* "You never know what is the colorfull sprite in your day."

-Haha! Guess that Larry is the sprite this season. Well... I better got off to work, i've got few eggs to find...

Howdy everyone! Yeahh... Long text I have here, eh? Sorry, I just HAD to make out some sort of a story. Anyways, hoppy easter everymammal! This season already started I see. Oh! Today is the first day, so don't forget to check on ur free prizes, and also the bunnies u can trade for!

Get ready for a hunt my mammals! See ya next time! XOXO: Metallica

lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Howdy! :DD

U have checked Cs, have u? U don't? Well... Lemme tell ya what's in there... We're celebrating Patrick's Day! WOOT WOOT!!... Too far? *cough* Anyway, there are some very I mean VERY cool items and pets for sure like every year blah blah blah... But let me show ya a few of 'em:PetPetPetitemitemitemitemitemitem Awee... These pets, and items are just adorable looking! Wait... How can items be adora-.... Anyway! U guys REALLY should check on these! These are really awesome. Don't forget! U have only couple days to get them, before their gone.

Happy ST. Patrick's Day! XOXO: Derps

Aaaand another main pet...

PetAnd now we see it once again! I have changed my main pet again... But this pet is based on my furry OC. And if u didn't know, Oc is "own creation" or "own charaecter" however u feel to say it idk. Anyway, she looks kinda cool and messed up from my eye sight, but she's still pretty i think.Cause I somehow got that hoodie under there, so that looks just awesome! Anyway... Oh! And btw Her name is Metallica, and she's a cop! And on the moment I really am rearching for the halloween police items. I REALLY REALLY need them! And my biggest dreamie right now is the police dog, that the items belongs to. Soo... Trying to achieve those. Hope some of u can help!

XOXO: Derps