sunnuntai 19. lokakuuta 2014

Halloween suprises! :D

Hello my hallowe... Uuh, I mean Derpies! xD

-So, as we know that Derpy is not here anymore, I am the new master pet.
Oh, can u guys keep a secret? If so, please listen carefully! "I am about to tell u the halloween prizes!". Did u hear it? Ya! That's right! But only if u won't tell anyone, will ya? Ok let's start from the prize boxes!

 Ok, what do u think is inside of this, huh? Well...  It's time to SEE what's inside it! Get it? Alright alright here:  itemitemitem... These type of eye contacs! (different colors also)
Item boxAlright. Now, what is in here hmm? This is the banner for free stuff! This banner includes:itemitemitemitemitemitemitem and if ur VERY lucky:Pet. Oki. Now here is something so far :D.
Now, what is inside this little boxie? It's these:PetPetPetPet    ItemOki, now what is this? More boxes to show?? Alright.. Here is what it includes:itemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitemitem (and most of these in different colors too so here is not all!) Here is some backrounds:Item box There is also a brand new costume EVERY DAY:item. (Also remember there will be new pets everyday too!)

~Happy halloween my ppl! Halloween~

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