I got hacked on CS, and I lost all my rare items and pets, can you imagine??? I do know who the hacker is and I really wanna do it back to her!! GAH!! If only I'd learn to hack her, I'd totally take my items back! I restarted my CS and everything, and this feels like total bullshit. I don't even have my master pets anymore! Oh, and btw if u wanna know the candy event is on. Feel free to explore it, but like seriously.... Im so freaking mad to her. I even know her IRL!!
PS: Stopping this blog, no-one is reading it after all
~~Welcome! In this webside, you will get to know about Chicken Smoothie and it's secrets w/ Derpy! In this blog: Stories, news, events, and much more! All about Chicken Smoothie! Stay tuned for more news! :DD~~
perjantai 31. heinäkuuta 2015
keskiviikko 24. kesäkuuta 2015
-Hey knucklehead! Watch where you put that wet nose of yours! Dogs ain't allowed in here! Said the angry hamster. -Poof, don't yell at this guy, I know who it is! Chip said and bammed Poof's head with an hammer. -Ow! Alright fine, I'm just trying to project out home ok? Geez, can't a hamster do what it supposed to do?? Poof said and waddled inside the den. -Sorry about that my friend! Poof is uum... Little too projective about our home! Oh! How stupid am I? Welcome the the Hamvilla! The home of the hamsters and guinea pigs! This is the place where the masters hamsters live! One of each kind! Soo... U really can't spot any same looking hamsters here. Anyways I really gotta go now. Bye! *Chip says and waddles inside*
lauantai 13. kesäkuuta 2015
New month, new stuff!
A chameleon lizard?? AWW |
*Anyway, Berrysplat here telling you this months news! Soo, as you guys know, in every month there are new pets on adoption center. And I can show you a few pets I've got! Omg just look how freaking CUTE these are!! Like... GAAAAHHH KAWAII :DD. Anyways, stay tuned on CS for more stuff! Bye! :D*
maanantai 1. kesäkuuta 2015
The master pets are here!!
-Angel here to finally let you meet the master pets, also we are known as alphas. Welcome here Berrysplat, Darkness and ME!!1!!
(You really think so, sister?!) *Of course we think so bro!*
-Haha! She's right, maybe one day u will be an alpha! Anyways guys, I hope you guys enjoy our crew here!
Stay tuned for more stuff!: *Berrysplat*, ~Darkness~, /Angel\, and (Fluffball)
New month
-Just kidding, we aren't chickens xD. Anyway guys, you know what? SUMMER IS HERE! WOOOO! And as it's a new month, we have brand new pets to adopt from the adoption center! And did you know, that since the easter... You know we had those ADORABLE quinea pigs, right? It has been made an own species! It's usually when there's an event with a cute new looking pet, CS decides to make an own species to it, on the adoption center. This also happened with: Fennec foxes, dwarf hamsters, syrian hamsters and now quinea pigs! I LOVE this new added animal, I just love everything cute and fluffy!! *cough* Anyway, guys remember to check on the newest animals on the center, and check back here soon for more news!
See ya!:~Angel
lauantai 23. toukokuuta 2015
Random news
-Angel here to tell some chicken smoothie stuff for today! I haven't tell ya, but Metallica is quitting her job as the "master pet", so since she quitted I'm taking over the job, while we're looking forward to the next main pet.
"Hey! You guys still remember me??"
-Yeah! Chip is back here again, if you still remember her :D
"Hey Angel, why can't I be the next main pet of the year? :D"
-Sorry Chip, master has gotta be a... LITTLE BIT bigger than you are D:
"Aww... I'm too small for everything (*D*')
-You are not that small silly billy partner! The Chicken smoothiers still love ya, don't they? ;D
"Oh! You're right! I love you guys too, jk?! :DD"
-Anyways... We're still searching for the main pet to our sites. Hope you guys don't get bored while that! :D
"Bye! :DD"
XOXO: Angel, and Chip
Shoutout for my lovelie!
Spirit!! WOOO |
This elemental cat was awsum! Thx!! |
keskiviikko 8. huhtikuuta 2015
Happy bday CS!
tiistai 7. huhtikuuta 2015
Another main pe- wait, it's not
XOXO: Derpy
keskiviikko 1. huhtikuuta 2015
Hey guys, and omg did u know that CS is shutting down forever?? And now CS's name is Furnipets for the rest of the time. You know what that means?.... APRIL FOOLS! Haha, kinda tricky am I? That might not be the "best april joke ever" But still, I just HAD to do that. *cough* Anyway, I gotta tell yea, this years april Fools is REALLY big event. I mean, look! Every CS players profile pic is somesort of an random item! Mine is a purple dino pillow. What's urs? Comment below if u have time :D. As I said,it's april and there is new pets to adopt, but theyre actually not normal. Hahahh! Some of 'em are mixed pets, some are weird looking, and WOW! Just everything this year is TOO cool! I love these cuties! Hahah... Anyway, it's UR turn to prank. Go ahead and prank ppl! Have fun!: XOXO Derpz
![]() |
Really CS??? |
Obviously, look at this!! |
lauantai 28. maaliskuuta 2015
Hoppy easter everyone
"Get ready for a hunt.. Tehehee!" |
-Yes u! Come here! Said the voice. *You decided to take a little closer look*
But when u step closer, a colorful creature hops and runs off the place, leaving nothing but dust cloud behind. You peek at the bush again, and saw a colorfull easter egg.
-Aah! I see u found an easter egg. That was my friend Larry. Idk why is he acting like that huh. Just... Leads u somewhere and runs off like a scared mammal. Hahhah! He actually left a hint for ya. Just bite the egg, and check what's inside. Metallica said. *you took a bite from the creamy choco egg, and found a note inside* "You never know what is the colorfull sprite in your day."
-Haha! Guess that Larry is the sprite this season. Well... I better got off to work, i've got few eggs to find...
Howdy everyone! Yeahh... Long text I have here, eh? Sorry, I just HAD to make out some sort of a story. Anyways, hoppy easter everymammal! This season already started I see. Oh! Today is the first day, so don't forget to check on ur free prizes, and also the bunnies u can trade for!
Get ready for a hunt my mammals! See ya next time! XOXO: Metallica
lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2015
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Howdy! :DD
U have checked Cs, have u? U don't? Well... Lemme tell ya what's in there... We're celebrating Patrick's Day! WOOT WOOT!!... Too far? *cough* Anyway, there are some very I mean VERY cool items and pets for sure like every year blah blah blah... But let me show ya a few of 'em:

Awee... These pets, and items are just adorable looking! Wait... How can items be adora-.... Anyway! U guys REALLY should check on these! These are really awesome. Don't forget! U have only couple days to get them, before their gone.
Happy ST. Patrick's Day! XOXO: Derps
U have checked Cs, have u? U don't? Well... Lemme tell ya what's in there... We're celebrating Patrick's Day! WOOT WOOT!!... Too far? *cough* Anyway, there are some very I mean VERY cool items and pets for sure like every year blah blah blah... But let me show ya a few of 'em:
Happy ST. Patrick's Day! XOXO: Derps
Aaaand another main pet...
XOXO: Derps
perjantai 27. helmikuuta 2015
Current Hoards
I'm totally not dead... Just sleepin' |
KK, and we see it again... I'm just TOOOOOO lazy to update the old HOARD post, so I just decided to create a new one. So you guys would have something else to read but old news of mine. Hehee... Anyway, here is my hoards list:
1:Xmas winged fennec foxes
2:Xmas bottle ButterflyWolfes
Want these cuties so badly!! |
4.Glass tea dogs (2014 too)
5.Xmas mini penguins
6.Xmas polar bears and pandas (2014-2015 IDK xmas time anyway)
7.Halloween banner pups (Yeah, 2014 this one also...)
8.Xmas snow leopards (Xmas too though, don't judge me xDx)
9.Thxgiving turkeys.
10.Valentines day zebras (Yeah, 2014 too i know, i know)
11.Halloween sitting cats (2014! wat were you thinking xD)
Anyways... If you have any of there pets up RIGHT there, feel free to gift me these, or just send a fair trade offer. See ya later! (hopefully not in another updated hoards list).
New main pet... Again?
Hey guys! :D
Yeah... I know I said that I won't change my main pet again, but neew... It's new again though xD. So, here she is. Her name is Angel. She is an llama or an alpaca, however you say.
Items using: White ram horns, Red rose, Red rose petal(s), Cream rose petal(s), Peruvian lily flowercrown, Flame, Seed bell, Dove, Goddes sash.
Rarity: Very rare.
I think that she's one of my faves. Though she actually came out very pretty. Life is like walking on roses for her, hehe xD.
Anyway, sorry that I kinda didn't keep my promise, but still. Happy events everyone, and remember to check back on CS for more items! :DD
XOXO: Derpy
Items using: White ram horns, Red rose, Red rose petal(s), Cream rose petal(s), Peruvian lily flowercrown, Flame, Seed bell, Dove, Goddes sash.
Rarity: Very rare.
I think that she's one of my faves. Though she actually came out very pretty. Life is like walking on roses for her, hehe xD.
Anyway, sorry that I kinda didn't keep my promise, but still. Happy events everyone, and remember to check back on CS for more items! :DD
XOXO: Derpy
torstai 19. helmikuuta 2015
Even more stuff??
Howdy owdy ppl! :D
Wow! I think there's even MORE things on CS! You see, It's Mardi Gras, somesort of Mexican party. AND also it's Chinese New Year! So... "Happy new year!" :D Here are some few things I've got:

And PROBABLY there is more to come! Stay tuned on Cs, and remember to pick your valentines day stuff, before they fly away! :DD
~Happy events to everyone! XOXO Derpynya :3
Wow! I think there's even MORE things on CS! You see, It's Mardi Gras, somesort of Mexican party. AND also it's Chinese New Year! So... "Happy new year!" :D Here are some few things I've got:
~Happy events to everyone! XOXO Derpynya :3
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