-Hey knucklehead! Watch where you put that wet nose of yours! Dogs ain't allowed in here! Said the angry hamster. -Poof, don't yell at this guy, I know who it is! Chip said and bammed Poof's head with an hammer. -Ow! Alright fine, I'm just trying to project out home ok? Geez, can't a hamster do what it supposed to do?? Poof said and waddled inside the den. -Sorry about that my friend! Poof is uum... Little too projective about our home! Oh! How stupid am I? Welcome the the Hamvilla! The home of the hamsters and guinea pigs! This is the place where the masters hamsters live! One of each kind! Soo... U really can't spot any same looking hamsters here. Anyways I really gotta go now. Bye! *Chip says and waddles inside*
~~Welcome! In this webside, you will get to know about Chicken Smoothie and it's secrets w/ Derpy! In this blog: Stories, news, events, and much more! All about Chicken Smoothie! Stay tuned for more news! :DD~~
keskiviikko 24. kesäkuuta 2015
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