-Well hello there stranger! Name's Pingu, the penguin keeper. I'm taking care of the adopted penguins in here. Feel free to look around!
*He says, and takes you to a path, filled with baby penguins waddling around the area.*
-These are my best friends as I call. Yeah, they're very small, but cute aren't they? Heh... Anyway, I keep my penguins safe from the beasts and hunters jk? People can give unwanted pet penguins here. I already have 10 of these beautifull critters here, and I hope that people can help me to get more!
*You nod, and tell him that you gotta go*
-Oh already? Wow, I was about to tell you more about these amazing animals here, but... If you have to, then you just have to. Have a good day, stranger!
*You say the same, and walk away... Still with an odd feeling about that guy.*
NOTE: I am hoarding these little cuties, so feel free to gift these to me, or just make an trade offer. Thank you! :D
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