-Today I'm going to tell about Derpy news so far!!
"Ya! Don't forget that I'm also here!"
-Haha! Of course not Chip! Anyway, let's start!
-So me, Derpy am collecting candies and cupcakes!
"Ya, she loves them!"
-"Yo, what's going on here?"
-Oh, hi Julie!
"Why r u up at this time of night?"
-Uum... I'm pretty sure they don't :D.
-"That's what I thought... ):I.
-Well anyway... This is Julie, my little sister. Her fave book is Woof.
-"Well hello there! And uum... Sis? Can I tell news with u?
"Hey Derpy? Do u remember Metro and Valentine? xD"
-Of course I do silly! They r my Bff's! :D
-"U mean Metro and Valenti aunts?! They r the best!"
-Heh, ikr xD.
"Wow Derpy, u have alot books here"
-Ya Chip, this is a library! xD
*Julie walks to the camera* -"Hey what's dis button?"
-Julie nonnono...!
*camera turns off*
-Ugh... Julie, we were recording! xD
-"Oh, sorry :DD"
"Naah, it's k. Were 'bout to end anyway!"
-Ya, bai Derpies!
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